
Time for Tea

January 16th, 2014 — 2:27am
For its size, Sri Lanka is an incredibly diverse island. One of the most interesting and beautiful areas is the hill country in the heartland. Here, the verdant landscape has been shaped by tightly trimmed tea bushes. The premium grade Ceylon tea is picked by Tamil ladies brought in by the former British colonials from the

Golden Temple of Dambulla

January 14th, 2014 — 6:10am
Last November I spent a couple of weeks motorcycling in Sri Lanka – an experience that leaves you with the distinct impression that every motorist has been hired to run you down. Kamakaze bus drivers and scroungers aside, it’s a beautiful country with a rich history and many spectacular Buddhist sites to explore. One of the

To Thailand With Love

January 11th, 2014 — 4:50am
Another quick bit of news. “To Thailand with Love”, the latest book in the “To Asia with Love” series published by Things Asian Press, has just been released. Described as a “travel guide for the connoisseur” it is a collection of articles and insights by writers who known Thailand better than most – including yours

Wanderlust Travel Photo of the Year Competition

January 11th, 2014 — 4:05am
I’m pleased to be able to tell you that I have been shortlisted for the Wanderlust Travel Photo of the Year competition. Organised by Wanderlust travel magazine, it is the UK’s biggest and best travel photo competition. The finalists, whittled down from more than 8,000 entries, will be on display in a gallery exhibition at

March on Government House, Bangkok

December 11th, 2013 — 3:05am
On Monday, anti-government protesters turned the streets of Bangkok red, white and blue. Thousands  set out from nine meeting points across the city and headed towards Government House. There was no shortage of people who like the sound of their own voice espousing dubious agendas, but the heat had been taken out of the demonstration

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