November 8th, 2012 — 3:24pm
It’s been several years since I had the oppurtunity to photograph a Ngiew or Chinese opera so when they were in town for the vegetarian festival I paid a visit.

As welcoming as ever, they invited me backstage to take a few snaps of them getting ready for a five hour performance.

I certainly find it more interesting backstage than in the audience. Looking forward to the next visit.

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May 7th, 2010 — 6:38pm
Some time ago I went to a Chinese opera in Bangkok. The shows are put on by a troupe of traveling performers on a makeshift stage, usually set up in a backstreet somewhere in the city.

They kindly let me backstage and I spent an hour or so snapping away while they got ready for the show.
As with the shots from my recent post on Myanmar, these where taken a couple of years ago and could be a lot better but they do have something about them.
I’d love to pay another visit to the opera next time they are in Bangkok.

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