March 3rd, 2015 — 3:22am
A favourite breakfast dish here in Laos is khao jee pâté. Variations are also popular in Vietnam where it is known as bánh mì and in Cambodia, nom pang.

Laotians enthusiastically accepted the baguette when it was introduced during the French colonial period. In Vientiane, baguettes are sold on street corners and in the local markets but with a distinctly local twist. Warmed over a charcoal brazier, split down the middle, smeared with pâté and stuffed with pork, raw papaya, pickled vegetables and a lick of hot chilli sauce, the baguettes make a satisfying breakfast when served with thick, sweet Lao coffee.
I recently spent an afternoon doing shots khao jee pâté for Stockfood. The great thing about stock food photography is that you get to eat your work.
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March 3rd, 2015 — 2:48am
Just a quick reminder that my exhibition of photographs of food and food culture in Southeast Asia is still showing at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand in Bangkok. In you are in town any time from now until the 18th of March, drop in for a drink and take a look. There are 18 images in the show from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand.

One of the most popular with the many people who have seen the exhibition is ‘Rat Boys’, an image taken in northern Laos of young lads selling live bamboo rats by the side of the road.
The show also includes the first prize winning shot in the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year “Food in Action” category of a woman cooking dosa over charcoal stoves in Yangon.

All images in the show are part of my photography stock collection with the world’s leading food image library, Stockfood.
The FCCT is easy to get to. The nearest BTS skytrain station is Chidlom.
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